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Τρίτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2019

PKFARE attended AIRS as Accelerator@IATA candidate and revealed NDC solution NDCHUB

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για PKFARE

BANGKOK - PKFARE attended Air Industry Retailing Symposium (AIRS) 2019 as one of the Accelerator@IATA Candidates. It was PKFARE’s third time joining AIRS, and PKFARE brought NDCHUB, the new partner brand to PKFARE that is dedicated to NDC solution, into the IATA startup sphere.
After winning the ‘Best Usage of Iberia NDC API’ prize at the IATA Air Industry Retailing Hackathon this June, with abundant experience and technology skills regarding to NDC’s implementation, PKFARE become one of the candidates of Accelerator@IATA when its vision of exploring NDC value revealed during that Hackathon. Besides IATA’s acknowledgement of PKFARE’s strength in technology, PKFARE has also been acknowledged by travel industry as one of the biggest NDC aggregators in China with NDC connections with various NDC pilot carriers. In order to further realize the comprehensive blueprint of the NDC eco-system, NDCHUB, a partner brand to PKFARE has been launched for dedication to NDC solution.
To the majority of players in the travel industry, building NDC eco-system is more important than solely gearing up for accessing to NDC”, says Jason Song, PKFARE’s CEO, “this is why we keeps leveraging our accumulated strength and resources over the years, and have them implemented into the NDC distribution and retailing process while building up the NDC eco-system.” As PKFARE mentioned at the AIRS, PKFARE keeps growing as the hub of global travel contents, and its NDC solution partner brand NDCHUB now already has four pilot carriers’ NDC contents, including American Airlines, Emirates, Finnair, and Singapore Airlines available on both portal and API.
Claiming to be the most advanced and easy-adopted NDC access for partners, PKFARE will further develop the value of NDC via smart connections and solutions and help build up the industry eco-system for worldwide travel industry players. “We have always been focusing on how to help airlines to provide personalized offerings. By accumulating shopping data and leveraging AI and cloud calculation, PKFARE can provide more accurate information of passengers to airlines.”, said Jack Wei, Head of NDC Business Unit of PKFARE.