On May 28, 2019, Rossiya Airlines, Pulkovo Airport’s home base carrier, launched scheduled service from St. Petersburg to Gelendzhik, a Russian resort on the coast of the Black Sea. The city pair had no direct air connection since 2017. The flights will be performed until September 12, 2019.
Rossiya Airlines provides service from St. Petersburg to Gelendzhik on modern Airbus A320 aircraft family six times a week.
In the summer season of 2019, one more carrier will operate flights from Pulkovo Airport to Gelendzhik once a week.
The route network of Rossiya Airlines at St. Petersburg airport includes over 50 Russian and foreign cities. In the current summer season, the carrier increased the frequency of flights from the Northern capital of Russia to more than 15 destinations, including Berlin, Munich (Germany), London (the United Kingdom), Nice (France), Prague (the Czech Republic), Rome (Italy), as well as the Russian cities of Anapa, Murmansk, Orenburg.
In January-April 2019, Rossiya Airlines served 1.5 million passengers in St. Petersburg, which is 8% more than in the same period of 2018. Rossiya Airlines won the LED Together 2018 Prize awarded by Pulkovo Airport for the best contribution to transfer development in St. Petersburg.
Pulkovo St. Petersburg Airport is the fourth airport in Russia in terms of passenger traffic. In January-April 2019, Pulkovo served 5.1 million passengers, which is 13.7% more than in the same period of 2018. In 2019, St. Petersburg airport, for the fourth year in a row, became the winner of the national ‘Air Gates of Russia’ award, according to the passengers’ votes. Since 2010, Northern Capital Gateway LLC has been the main operator of Pulkovo, implementing the airport reconstruction and development project under a public-private partnership agreement with the city of St. Petersburg.