Ει βούλει καλώς ακούειν, μάθε καλώς λέγειν, μαθών δε καλώς λέγειν, πειρώ καλώς πράττειν, και ούτω καρπώση το καλώς ακούειν. (Επίκτητος)

(Αν θέλεις να σε επαινούν, μάθε πρώτα να λες καλά λόγια, και αφού μάθεις να λες καλά λόγια, να κάνεις καλές πράξεις, και τότε θα ακούς καλά λόγια για εσένα).

Παρασκευή 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Unmissable attractions in Tajikistan to visit in the New Year


The archetypal mountainous landscape of Tajikistan has a lot to offer to the sturdiest of travellers. High mountaineering, trekking, camel riding, rock climbing, and horse riding are some of the adventure activities tourists look for.

Peak Somoni, Peaks of Pamir, Peak Lenin and the top of Korzhenevskaya are some of the all-time best picks for mountain climbers.

Tourists get an opportunity to make new connections, learn about the Tajik culture, get acquainted with their customs and most importantly feel at home away from home.

As you start making your travel plans for 2023, we have narrowed down some of the unmissable attractions in Tajikistan to see and explore.

Nowruz Palace

The colossal Nowruz Palace standing tall amidst ten acres of land is presumably Dushanbe’s most iconic landmark. With fountains, gardens and pavilions it’s a huge parcel.

The royal residence is a social and amusement centre and an important landmark of the Tajik culture.

Each component inside the Nowruz Palace bears testimony to the rich Tajik art and architecture. The palace was built by craftsmen who specialized in woodcarving, Florentine mosaics, divider designs, improving cutting, mosaics in shaded glass and painted roofs.

Pamir Highway

A must visit place for adventure lovers who are ready to go an extra mile to chase their dreams! Considered as the world’s second-highest international highway, the 1000 kilometres long Pamir Highway is a part of the ancient silk route.

As it is a bumpy ride along the not-so-well-maintained highway, take it slow and marvel at the dramatic landscapes along the way.

Pause for a while and explore the traditional village life of the region which is quite different from the mundane of a city life. If you want to explore the Pamir Highway in a traditional way, try jeep-riding or on a mule back.

Panjshanbe Market

Panjshanbe Market or, bazaar, is located in the midst of Khujand and opposite the Sheikh Muslihiddin mausoleum. It is one of the most colorful sights in Khujand consisting of a main pavilion and many stalls, tents and shops adjacent to it.

The most noticeable feature of the covered market of Panjshanbe is its special engineering and plan.

The market area of Panjshanbe can be divided into two parts- grocery and non-food. On the ground floor, there is a huge hall where fruits and vegetables, bread and spices are on sale.

Such items are typical for any oriental market in Central Asia. The first floor houses numerous shops and stalls selling apparel, electronic devices and domestic items.

Safed Dara Ski Resort

Tajikistan is one among world’s most undiscovered ski regions that few intrepid skiers have considered skiing. Half of this mountainous country is above 10,000 ft with steep and snowcapped peaks for skiers to try their guts.

Safed Dara was originally known as the Takob ski resort which was redesigned in 2015 and was given the name Safed Dara which means “the white valley”. It is situated in the region of Republican Subordination on the Safedorak Plateau which forms a part of the Pamir Montains.

With 2.3Km of accessible slopes and 3 lifts to transport the travellers, Safed Dara Ski Resort is an exceptional spot for mountaineering and skiing.

Khujand Fortress

Throughout the whole history of Khujand, the city’s heart was its castle which was founded in the VI-V centuries BC. Over 2,500 years, the Khujand Fortress expanded together with the city. It was destroyed by the conquerors, rebuilt anew but always continued to be a symbol of endurance of the people.

Archaeological excavations reveal that the first fortress was surrounded by an artificial embankment. It gradually developed into a thick wall of natural clay extending for 20 hectares.

During the heyday of the Great Silk Road, Khujand Fortress and the city wall was rebuilt. The fortress stood as one of the most inaccessible monuments in Central Asia.

Some historians argue that the fortress was completely destroyed and rebuilt in the XV century while others believe that the reconstruction began soon after the siege between 1219 and 1220.

Regardless of the controversy in dates, the siege of Khujand Fortress is regarded as one of the biggest events in the history of Tajikistan.

Kokhi Navruz

Although hailed as the world’s biggest tea house, the Navruz Palace is not actually a tea house despite its enormous size. Its construction was finished in September 2014 and was transformed into a genuine museum of national handicrafts of Tajik people.

The complex houses seven lifts, man-made lake, a 3D theatre, night club, billiard hall, a little national teahouse, shop art gallery and amazing halls.

Its biggest cupola- the dome stands at a height of 40 metres which is considered to be the largest dome in Central Asia.

Tajikistan abounds with opportunities for adventure lovers and leisure tourists leaving them with lifelong memories. It’s now time to go beyond!

Tags: Europe Tourism, Tajikistan, unmissable attractions