PARIS - Global Exhibitions Day (GED) 2020 is only three weeks away. This year, the focus of our industry’s global day of awareness and advocacy is the critical role exhibitions play in getting business and economies back on track. The theme for GED 2020 is “exhibition are key to rebuilding economies.” The 5th annual edition of GED is actively supported and promoted by 41 partner associations, UFI, and members of these associations, throughout the world.
GED 2020 is a unification of the industry, an occasion to share hope and optimism, and a focus on the important role of exhibitions in reconnecting and rebuilding communities and economies. It promotes that face-to-face exhibitions are the fastest way to reconnect with the marketplace, and that the connections made at exhibitions will lead to the renewal of the economy.
To support preparations and to provide a strong, unified message to stakeholders worldwide, UFI has data available related to the economic impact of exhibitions, highlighting the important contribution of exhibitions in terms of total output, contribution to GDP and jobs. As well, it will be hosting an UFI Connects session, 19 May at 9:00 NY / 14:00 UK / 21:00 HK, entitled “Exploring Creativity in time for Global Exhibitions Day.” Further, it is running a content campaign promoting key messages focusing on the GED 2020 theme.
All members of the exhibition industry are invited to join the GED celebrations by recognising the impact of exhibitions on local economies, in building businesses, and connecting people all around the world.
Mary Larkin, UFI President said, “In the spirit of creating an opportunity out of a crisis, I challenge all of us to promote our industry at every opportunity and to ensure that everyone knows the role we play in an economic recovery. The first opportunity to do that is on 3 June – Global Exhibitions Day!”
Get involved in GED 2020 celebrations:
- Share and engage with #GED2020 on social media
- Share photos of you and your colleagues with the GED logo
- Share stories from your exhibition, a lunch of a product, a notable person who attended your show, a quote from an exhibitor, some great ROI stat … (template)
- Create your own “voices of the exhibition industry” card and share your thoughts on the future of the industry (template)
- Create a “follow-along” video showing the behind the scenes life of working in events
- Organise, or attend, a GED related webinar or brainstorming session (List of events)
- Join the UFI Connects session “Exploring Creativity in time for Global Exhibitions Day”
- Ask your government officials for endorsement and recognition of exhibition industry
- Come up with your own idea and celebrate your day how you want!
- For everything needed to get involved with GED 2020, visit globalexhibitionsday.org to find messages, logos, visuals, and more.
Associations celebrating GED 2020: AAXO (South Africa), AEFI (Italy), AEO (UK), AFE (Spain), AFECA (Singapore), AFIDA (Colombia), AMPROFEC (Mexico), AOCA (Argentina), AUMA (Germany), CAEM (Canada), CEFA (Austria), CENTREX (Hungary), CFI (Italy), EEAA (Australia), EEIA/EMECA (Belgium), EFU (Ukraine), EXSA (South Africa), FAIRLINK (Sweden), FAMAB (Germany), HKECIA (Hong-Kong), IAEE (USA), IDFA (Germany), IECA (Indonesia), IEIA (India), IELA (Switzerland), IFES (Belgium), LECA (Lebanon), MACEOS (Malaysia), MFTA (Macau), PCEI (Poland), RUEF (Russia), SACEOS (Singapore), SCEIA (China), SECB (Singapore), SISO (USA), TECA (Taiwan), TEA (Thailand), TFOA (Turkey), UBRAFE (Brazil) and UNIMEV (France).