Best Western Hotels & Resorts (BWHR) was the first hotel brand to set a high level of cleanliness with the roll out the I Care Clean program in 2012
The program was developed through a partnership with innovation and design firm, IDEO, and required its hotels to focus on guest high touch items and areas with standards such as usage of ultraviolet sterilization wands and TV remotes that can be disinfected.
At the onslaught of the global COVID-19 pandemic, BWHR immediately rolled out enhanced cleaning protocols and breakfast standards. Recognizing that travelers are now more concerned than ever about cleanliness, BWHR is launching the We Care CleanSM program, which ensures an even higher level of cleaning standards and operational best practices at its properties. Based upon guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Health Canada, We Care Clean addresses everything from guest room and common area cleanliness, to streamlined processes that minimize contact between guests and associates while maintaining industry-leading customer service. The program will be updated regularly based upon the latest standards and recommendations by governmental agencies and industry groups.
“The We Care Clean program is the latest example of our commitment to our guests and associates,” said David Kong, President and Chief Executive Officer for BWHR. “We have always been an industry leader in our reputation for providing clean, well-maintained accommodations for travelers and we recognize that hygiene and cleanliness have never been more important. With the We Care Clean program, we are proud to provide a safe and clean home away from home for our guests when the time comes to travel again.”