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Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Silicon Valley Angel Investor launches GROTU, a patented group trips, and event planning mobile app

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Silicon Valley Angel Investor launches GROTU, a patented group trips, and event planning mobile app

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA - GROTU announces the launch of its group trips and event planning app to help groups organize events, activities, and travel, all in one easy-to-use package. The recently-patented app solves common problems via a set of integrated software tools that assist in areas such as group decision making, splitting expenses, event planning, photo sharing, and group discussions.
Sunmeet Jolly, Inventor of GROTU app has been granted Patent no.: US 10,397,322 B2 titled “Mobile and Computer Applications, Systems and Methods for Large Group Travel and Event Management” and has subsequently filed international patents for the app.
Right now, people largely use chat and messaging apps to organize their group trips and events, linking spreadsheets and online surveys that can get easily lost in chat volume. Many people do not read the entire chat every day and switch off chat completely during busy days. Most online spreadsheets and surveys are not optimized for small mobile screens and are slow to load on mobile web browsers. 
In addition, chat apps cannot calculate and split expenses, display charts, sort data, or organize media files in the cloud. The GROTU app takes care of all of this, saving users valuable time and effort while planning group trips and events. Social media and chat apps have brought people closer, and most social interactions happen via mobile phones. Therefore, GROTU is a much-needed app for groups who frequently meet, dine, party, travel and play together.
The GROTU app includes tools such as Customizable Trip SurveysPotluck InvitesEvent RSVPGroup Expense SplittingShared Photo Albums, and Organized Chat. By combining these key functionalities, GROTU provides a simple integrated solution for groups to use, helping users stay on top of all aspects of their trips and events. The GROTU app is free to download worldwide from the Apple (iOS) and Google Play (Android) stores.  
GROTU’s Customizable Trip Survey feature allows users to create their own trip survey and invite their friends to pick travel choices that suit them, all done entirely from their smartphones. The Potluck, Party, Event Planner function lets users create invitations, and is integrated with Organized Chat. The Potluck Invitation feature lets invited members pick from a list of responsibilities, see what other friends are bringing to the potluck, and post suggestions on the event wall. 
With the Group Photo Organizer feature, users can upload photos to a gallery, and add hyperlinks to external websites where they might be stored. Photos can be stored in the cloud, downloaded on phone, or shared on social media. The Expense Reports feature allows users to keep track of group spending and split bills. It also provides full expense summaries which detail all expenses, receipts and settlement dues between participants.
Our long term vision for GROTU is to build a comprehensive suite of integrated tools for private group interactions between friends, family, colleagues, classmates, and more,” said Sunmeet Jolly, Founder & CEO, 101 Islands LLC. “We know from talking to consumers how difficult it is to plan group trips and events. By making the process easier, GROTU allows users a better experience, every time, with less time and hassle.” 
Sunmeet has traveled to 44 islands in 27 countries and personally used the GROTU app in 9 countries so far. “GROTU has been downloaded by thousands of users worldwide, and its usage is growing rapidly. Currently, Potluck planning seems to be the most popular feature this holiday season” he added.