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Τρίτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Survey hints Brexit has affected British tourist plans

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Survey hints Brexit has affected British tourist plans

That Brexit has affected British tourist plan, has been revealed by a survey conducted by the Tourism Ireland.

The survey has hinted out that a good number of British travellers are booking their holidays later and are taking fewer short breaks than normal in the next 12 months due to Brexit.

The British holidaymakers are also supposed to spend little during their holidays because of the weaker pound.

Tourism Ireland has conducted five pieces of research about the attitude towards Brexit.

Altogether 2,000 people were questioned in the last research work.

Quite surprisingly, 80 percent of British people have been found negatively thinking about Brexit issue, up from 56 percent two years ago.

Three in every ten British people say that they have decided to book their holidays later than usual, which is almost double the number in 2017.

Brexit has also caused uncertainty among consumers, with 15 percent saying that they have decided to take short breaks outside the UK in the next year.

The tendency of postponing trips has also grown by one-and-a-half times more.

The Irish tourism industry is reporting a lesser number of British tourists on the ground in 2019.

The Brexit effect is likely to be felt in continental Europe, with further Tourism Ireland survey hinting that 17 per cent of people in Germany were less likely to visit Ireland due to it.

Experts suggest that holidaymakers should check the government website before heading to their travel destinations. Investing in travel insurance plans, which have healthcare cover, has also been recommended. Getting travel insurance with the right cover, particularly if one has a pre-existing medical condition, is also advisable.