The African Tourism Board is planning to partner with Africa’s Trade, Transport and Energy Summit (ATTES) to make sure travel and tourism are not overlooked by the largest summit ever held in Africa.
Africa, the world’s second-largest continent in size and population, has a wealth of biodiversity and natural resources, which has flown under the radar when it comes to global investments. That stands to change with Africa’s Trade, Transport and Energy Summit (ATTES), to be hosted in Accra, Ghana from 13–15 November 2019. ATTES is being organized by ALPHA Ports Limited, the Irish-registered trading name of African Logistics Port Hub Association (ALPHA).
Set in Accra’s International Conference Center, ATTES will be three days of investment workshops, trade exhibitions, and conferences. This milestone event will serve as a melting pot for high-profile investors, venture capitalists and local entrepreneurs to connect and exchange ideas. Attendance of top-tier talent and leadership from government and private sectors – representing high-demand fields such as renewable energy, agribusiness, telecommunications, transport, blockchain and much more – will provide unique opportunities for networking and forging connections.
The summit will kick off with a meet-and-greet, followed by a ribbon cutting and welcome address from Ghana’s Honourable Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry, Carlos Ahenkorah. Following will be an intensive itinerary of workshops in blockchain, energy, mining, fintech and agritech. Attendees will have the opportunity to synergize with distinguished investors and get exclusive insights from influential policymakers, with a focus on exchanging business initiatives and exploring joint ventures.
Keynote panels will provide a podium for experts to share insights into Africa’s investment opportunities. Meanwhile, a large exhibition space will be available, where attendees can network and collaborate. The event will culminate in an awards ceremony for noteworthy guests and speakers.
CEO and Managing Director of ALPHA Ports, Kingsley Ekweariri, communicates his excitement about the Summit:
“We believe in Africa. We believe in its vast opportunities that have yet to be optimally exploited to their full potential to transform the lives of people. There is so much that Africa has, and we are optimistic that, with investors coming to the Summit to interface with high-level government officials, deals shall be concluded and investment will consequently follow thereby. Africa is the opportunity continent, and no one investor should miss it in their growth trajectory strategy room.”
With growing interest in Africa’s investment potential, ATTES positions itself as a watershed event, poised to revolutionize how the world views Africa, as the “opportunity continent” of dynamic energy, economic power, and untapped resources. ATTES will demonstrate Africa’s determination to show the world a new face, turning its potential to actuality.
Moving forward, ATTES will dedicate itself to inviting and catalyzing investment in Africa long-term and will hold summits in Singapore, South America, India, and Europe in the coming years.
Why Ghana?
Ghana in West Africa exemplifies all these qualities that ATTES intends to showcase: plentiful natural resources, diverse terrain and thriving industries ranging from trade to manufacturing to cybernetics. Ghana’s powerhouse economy and leadership in infrastructure development – including Africa’s second nuclear power plant and multiple hydroelectric dams – make it a shining example of the potential waiting to be unlocked in similar African countries.
Ghana’s Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry, Carlos Ahenkorah, expresses optimism for the role ATTES will play, and where it will lead:
“Having such a distinguished group of people in our capital is a very welcome development, coming at a time when a spotlight is being shone on Africa’s new status as a continent to be reckoned with in terms of what it offers investors and potential partners from all over the world. The ATTES summit is just the sort of bold initiative our country and our continent needs as Africa reaches a new phase in its commercial and industrial development, with new markets opening up and heightened demands… This hugely important event will see an unprecedented meeting of minds and a pooling of ideas that will have a vital influence on our future well-being.”
About ALPHA Ports
African Logistics Port Hub Association (ALPHA) is a business trading hub for international logistics professionals that seeks to showcase Africa’s enormous potential for trade and enterprise. Leveraging its position as the heart of a thriving network of 85 African ports, 163 companies and 70 countries, ALPHA’s primary goal is to bring people together under one portal, so that connecting and doing business with African enterprises becomes easy and efficient.
With their headquarters based in Dublin, Ireland, ALPHA has the ideal location to act as a conduit between Africa and the rest of the world, utilizing their first-hand knowledge of African air and seaports to navigate trade routes. They prioritize trustworthiness, transparency, and competence as they work to grow infrastructure and enterprises in Africa.
In addition to building their base of corporate partnerships – which include the Port of Houston and Dublin Chambers – ALPHA Ports offers investment workshops, as well as their magazine African Port Hub, to showcase Africa’s tremendous business and infrastructural potential.
More information www.alphaports.com/attes/
SOURCE: eTurboNews
Tags:African Tourism Board ,ATTES