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Τρίτη 9 Απριλίου 2019

Rongali Carnival held in order to boost Assam tourism

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Rongali Carnival held in order to boost Assam tourism

Assam could be the best place for tourism due to the green mountain ranges, tea gardens, rich culture, and the humongous Brahmaputra. To make the state’s presence felt on international level, the ongoing Rongali carnival in Guwahati hosted a seminar on ‘Assam as Tourist Destination’, emphasising how rich heritage of the state could be used to woo the tourists. The seminar was attended by various dignitaries from the tourism including PP Khanna, President ADTOI; Ranjit Das, President TOAA; Dipak Jalan, President HRAA among others.
Shyamkanu Mahanta, Chief Organiser of Rongali, said the idea of conducting Rongali is to make Bihu a tourism festival of the state. “Like West Bengal, has become a destination for Durga Puja, similarly our dream is to make Assam destination for Bihu.”

It was also mentioned that the tourism ministry of NE is also thinking about making Assam and North East as tea tourism and adventure sports destination. Ranjit Das, however, feels that Assam can focus on the adventurous side of it to cash in on the young footfall, who are much into trekking and adventure sports.
“There is a renewed interest among the domestic and international visitors. Now, tourism here is not only restricted to wildlife. Rather, culture and cuisine are also high points. Recently, we had the opportunity of attending a workshop on eco-tourism policy, envisaged by the Forest Ministry, Government of Assam. If the policy is put in right perspective then many nature-based activities will open up for the tourists,” Das added.

PP Khanna believes that Assam has everything to make it one of the top tourist destinations in the country.