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Τρίτη 9 Απριλίου 2019

Amtrak to boost train tourism with $90 million

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Amtrak to boost train tourism with $90 million

Amtrak plans to invest up to $90 million in improvements to the historic Baltimore Penn Station. It wants to turn the central Baltimore into a premier regional transportation hub that will provide transit connections. Amtrak investment will help to  improve the customer experience and grow passenger rail.

Selected through a competitive procurement process based on their proposal, Penn Station Partners are committed to partner with Amtrak and the City of Baltimore to transform the area into a vibrant multi-modal hub featuring the historic station at its center.

Amtrak and Penn Station Partners are currently advancing a Vision Plan for the station and surrounding Amtrak properties in partnership with local stakeholders and the community, called Next Stop Baltimore Penn Station.

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Amtrak to boost train tourism with $90 millionThe first phase of rail infrastructure work at Baltimore Penn Station includes the renovation of an existing platform and the construction of an additional platform.

The development framework and station area improvements in Baltimore will leverage additional Northeast Corridor infrastructure and capacity improvements, including the new Amtrak high-speed rail expansion effort currently underway.

The other Amtrak projects include improvements at New York Penn Station; opening the new Moynihan Train Hall in New York; and further development of stations in Chicago, Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia.

Congressman Elijah E. Cummings said: “I will continue to work closely with Amtrak, Penn Station Partners, and the entire Baltimore community to ensure that this project reflects our local priorities, creates opportunities for local minority- and women-owned businesses, and enables Penn Station to be both an inviting gateway and an economic engine for our City.”