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Δευτέρα 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

SSP America opens award-winning local favorite, Big Shoulders Coffee at MDW

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για SSP America opens award-winning local favorite, Big Shoulders Coffee at MDW

UNITED STATES - SSP America, a division of SSP Group, a leading operator of food and beverage brands in travel locations worldwide, has opened locally-owned Big Shoulders Coffee at Chicago Midway International Airport’s (MDW) Concourse A. Big Shoulders is SSP’s latest opening as part of their joint venture, Midway Partnership (consisting of SSP America, Vantage Airport Group, and Hudson Group) at MDW.
Named one of “The 25 Best Coffee Roasters in America” by Gear Patrol in 2018, Big Shoulders Coffee began when owner, Tim Coonan, put his well-honed chef skills on hold to become a full-time father and began roasting beans at home. Coonan had learned about coffee roasting more than 20 years earlier from Stephen Quigley at Partridge and Quigley in Indiana. Coonan traveled to Central and South America and learned the full bean to cup process, including the vital importance of in-house roasting.
Big Shoulders Coffee offers a daily selection of meticulously selected, pristinely roasted coffees, as well as limited-time special feature coffees, single-origin coffees from micro coffee producers and seasonal blends. Travelers to the MDW Concourse A location can enjoy fast drip, press pot, slow drip, Chemex or iced black preparation methods. The brand’s locally famous mocha lattes and marshmallow lattes are also offered.
Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για SSP America opens award-winning local favorite, Big Shoulders Coffee at MDW
“We are thrilled to be working with our partners, SSP America, to increase our coffee brand recognition at Midway. We’re very grateful for the opportunity to touch so many passengers who travel through the airport on a daily basis,”said Tim Coonan, Founder, Big Shoulders Coffee. “We keep it simple by staying focused. We believe that we have the perfect cup of coffee for Chicago and for the traveling public at Midway.”
Michael Caveny, Director Brands & Concepts, commented, “SSP America couldn’t be more excited about opening Big Shoulders Coffee with Tim and Patricia Coonan and our outstanding location at MDW’s Concourse A. Big Shoulders will bring Midway’s passengers a unique, only-in Chicago experience from one of the city’s leading, artisan coffee roasters. It doesn’t get much better than this.”