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Τετάρτη 16 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Germany airport strikes to affect 220,000 passengers

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Germany airport strikes to affect 220,000 passengers

The industrial strike by the German trade union Ver.di will lead to the cancellation of hundreds of flights at eight German airports.

At Hamburg, Munich, Hannover, Bremen, Leipzig, Dresden and Erfurt airports the walkouts are taking place.

After walkouts taking place at Berlin airports last Monday and similar protests in Stuttgart, Cologne/Bonn and Dusseldorf the coordinated industrial action took place which is expected to affect around 220,000 passengers.

No passengers will be able to board flights in Frankfurt, Germany’s busiest airport unless they arrive in transit.There were warnings of severe disruptions  by Fraport, operator of Frankfurt airport.

The walkouts are taking place at 2 am local time today and will continue until 8pm local time (1am – 7pm GMT).

While most impacted by the strike will be Frankfurt followed by Hamburg, Munich, Hannover, Bremen, Leipzig, Dresden and Erfurt.

The strikes are over pay by members of the Ver.di union that comprise 23,000 aviation security staff. They faced four rounds of unsuccessful negotiations with the security provider BDLS and their workers are seeking a minimum hourly wage of €20.

Ver.di board member, Ute Kittel, said in a statement as the employers did not show any willingness to make a better offer the extension of the warning strikes was needed. They were ready to negotiate and conclude with a good offer.

Regarding cancellation and delays to services and rebookings travellers were advised to get in touch with their airlines .

Customers of British Airways had the option of rebookings or claiming a refund while travellers were suggested not to come to Frankfurt airport during the strike.

There will be a special care team of staff onsite to provide assistance to the travellers arriving at the Frankfurt airport. The matter is expected to be resolved soon with the negotiations to begin again on 23 January in Berlin
