Celebrating 10th year in 2019, dates for Korea's shopping festival - Korea Grand Sale are announced.
Korea's shopping festival for foreigners will be held from January 17, 2019, to February 28, 2019, in Seoul, the metropolitan area, and major cities in Korea.
Throughout the 43 days of the event, Korea Grand Sale will provide grand scale discount promotion including air/hotel fares so that this event will be stabilized as a representative winter tourism event in Korea.
Korea Grand Sale is also designed to increase the cultural experience of foreign visitors by selecting the main theme of the event as “taste of Korea” with various events and promotion. Over 60 hotel food restaurants all over the country will participate Korea Grand Tasting – Special Taste of Korea in Hotel to introduce Korean food to many foreign visitors, as well as invitation events that the customers can select the hotel restaurant they want to visit. Furthermore, there will be a promotion in collaboration with REDTABLE (big-data based restaurant suggestion app) and 200 famous restaurants along with awarding best reply on the app.
“Korea Road Trip with Famous Chef” and “Cultural Wine Tasting with Wine Master” events will provide daily tour course that presents history and culture of Korea through food and wine. Korean food cooking class with I LOVE HANSIK, O’ngo Food, and many other Korean food experience provider companies will be provided, and Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism’s Temple Food Experience program will also be presented.
Chairman of Visit Korea Committee Kyungah Han said, “Korea Grand Sale is not just a simple tourism promotion for consuming experience of shopping but consuming for the experience of various aspects of Korean culture and food.” She added, “As the foreign people’s participation in Korean economy is increasing, we will use this event to expand the scale of tourism and revenue generation in Korea that would eventually influence domestic economy.”
On the other hand, Visit Korea Committee is actively engaging in a global promotion and advertisement to increase the number of tourism through Korea Grand Sale. The business presentation and exhibitions that present special advantages of Korea Grand Sale are held in major Korean tourism markets in China, Japan, Hongkong, Thailand, Vietnam, as well as potential markets of Arab Emirate, Macao and so. Moreover, multiple channels of the network, including global card companies, flight companies, duty-free shops and department stores, Korea Tourism Organization (KTO), and KOTRA, are actively utilized for marketing the event. Also, localized marketing contents are posted on major websites like Google, Baidu, and Yahoo; and the advertisement contents were posted on multiple social media channels including Facebook, Weibo, and Youtube.
Along with these promotions, the Korea Grand Sale advertisement will be produced with CJ ENM and sent to many countries in order to attract more foreign tourists. Many of globally influential people will be invited for the event to express unique fashion style and taste of Korea. Through multiple channels and methods, the event will be advertised to the world and lead the attraction to visit Korea.
For more information about the Korea Grand Sale, visit here.