A fourth one-day strike has been announced by the Ryanair Pilots and Members of the (IALPA) will stop work on Friday, 3 August. It is expected that more strikes will follow unless the airline’s management made changes and negotiated the issue of base transfers and related issues.
The airline would cut Dublin base by one-fifth coming making upto 100 pilots jobless.
IALPA , a part of the Forsa union commented on the move to be a ‘proactive act’ which has heightened the dispute.
Around 16 and 30 flights were cancelled earlier plying between UK and Dublin while the passengers were provided with a three days’ notice to look for alternative flights or claim a full refund.
Due to the pilot’s strike the airline complained of loss in high-fare bookings made close to departure which dented earning and damaged consumer confidence.
During the first quarter results Ryanair announced a 20 percent fall in profits and predicted of further strikes in peak summer time.
In the airline’s 34-year history this will be the biggest strike under way. On Wednesday and Thursday 600 flights across Europe was grounded due to strike coordinated by cabin crew in Spain, Portugal and Belgium in pursuit of improved pay and working conditions.
The airline has notified around 3,500 affected customers over mail or text message.