It’s been long that Japanese has been the most frequent and highest rated international visitors for Hawai‘i. This year the same story carries on to break records for Hawaii tourism; side by side, 2017 has also been an active year for tourism in Japan.
20 million and counting is the tally for international visitors to Japan in 2017, on the way to yet another record.
In 2016, for the first time, arrivals broke the 20 million mark for the whole year—resolving the year end with a little more than 24 million.
According to the Japan Tourism Agency, the country will witness around 30 million international tourists by the end of 2017, crushing the record of 2016 with a growth of 25 percent respectively.
In addition, the visitor spending hit a record in 2016, and it’s going to create the same this year as well. As per the government statistics which have been declared this week pinpoints that August tourist arrivals increased by 20 percent in comparison to the last year with majority of the travelers coming from Asia.
Even though in 2017, South Korea is having a strong phase, China is the top market whatsoever and Hong Kong is presenting a double-digit profit when it comes to visitors to Japan. As per Japan Tourism Agency head, visitors are coming so fast that “high level challenges are emerging.”