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Πέμπτη 20 Μαρτίου 2025

IATA enhances CO2 Connect emissions calculation tool


Airlines association IATA has enhanced its carbon emissions calculator to account for the increased use of alternative aviation fuels by carriers.

IATA’s CO2 Connect is one of many tools designed to measure emissions from flights. It provides operational data, such as aircraft type-specific fuel consumption, rather than the modelled averages used by some other calculation methodologies.

The latest improvement to CO2 Connect takes into account the use of alternative fuels, which the airline industry calls sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Initially, the per-passenger emissions reduction figure from the use of alternative fuel will be based on an airline’s total schedule, so every flight will “benefit from an equal percentage reduction based on total SAF purchases”.

Although IATA plans further enhancements to allow the tool to allocate per-passenger emissions reductions on specific routes.

Frederic Leger, IATA’s senior vice president commercial products and services, said:“Corporations and individual travellers want to clearly understand how sustainable their flying is - particularly if they have invested in SAF, they want to know what impact it is having.

“By enhancing CO2 Connect with the IATA SAF Accounting and Reporting Methodology we are providing the transparency and accuracy that individuals and corporates demand.” 

The association added that more than 60 airlines were now contributing data to CO2 Connect, which was helping to improve its calculations for both travellers and corporates.

“With the strong support of all our participating airlines and the new ability to accurately account for SAF in the calculation, IATA CO2 Connect is going from strength to strength,” added Leger. “It is a powerful tool to support aviation’s decarbonisation powered by global standard methodologies and high-quality data.”

Tags: Frederic Leger, IATA