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Τρίτη 25 Ιουνίου 2024

Thailand experiences 44 percent surge in tourists from Portugal


Thailand is experiencing a significant surge in tourists from Portugal, with a remarkable 44% increase recorded between January and April 2024.

Nanthasiri Ronnasiri, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) for Southern Europe, has set an ambitious goal for the year: to surpass the pre-pandemic figure of 52,000 Portuguese tourists.

Ronnasiri, who recently attended the inauguration of the Thailand Festival in Lisbon, expressed optimism about the country’s recovery and return to normalcy post-pandemic.

The festival, held from June 21-23 in Belém, Lisbon, celebrates Thai culture and aims to attract more Portuguese visitors.

“We have several initiatives to attract the Portuguese,” Ronnasiri explained. “Earlier this year, we hosted a ‘Famtrip’ and collaborated with Portuguese tour operators to draw in more tourists.

The Portuguese are already familiar with Thailand, but we aim to continue this growth trend.”

Rosário Louro, TAT’s representative in Portugal, echoed this sentiment during the festival’s inauguration.

Louro noted that in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, Thailand welcomed 52,000 Portuguese tourists.

This number dropped to 42,000 in 2023 but is on the rise again this year.

“In 2023, we had 42,000 Portuguese tourists. The recovery took a bit longer for the Portuguese market, but now, we hope to exceed the 2019 figures and surpass 52,000 tourists this year,” Louro stated.

Louro also highlighted that the growth in Portuguese tourists to Thailand outpaces that of most other European countries, despite Portugal being one of the slower markets to resume travel to Thailand post-pandemic.

Thailand is now a completely safe country, Louro added.

In a world with many conflicts, the safety and allure of Thailand have made it a preferred destination for Portuguese and other European travelers.

The positive trend underscores the effectiveness of TAT’s efforts and the enduring appeal of Thailand as a travel destination.

With initiatives like the Thailand Festival and targeted marketing campaigns, the TAT remains committed to boosting tourism and welcoming more Portuguese visitors to Thailand’s beautiful landscapes and rich cultural heritage.

Tags: Nanthasiri Ronnasiri, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)European travelers, PortugalThailand, Thailand Festival, Tourists