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(Αν θέλεις να σε επαινούν, μάθε πρώτα να λες καλά λόγια, και αφού μάθεις να λες καλά λόγια, να κάνεις καλές πράξεις, και τότε θα ακούς καλά λόγια για εσένα).

Τετάρτη 27 Μαρτίου 2024

Prague Airport gets a new railway station


The Railway Administration (SŽ) has approved the development of a new railway station at Prague’s Václav Havel Airport, marking a pivotal component of the initiative to establish a direct rail connection from Czechia’s primary airport to the heart of the capital and the Central Bohemian town of Kladno.

It has been communicated by the organization that the modernization of the airport railway line is expected to be finalized by either 2029 or 2030, with the projected expenses reaching around CZK 50 billion. This railway line is set to link the airport with Prague’s primary station, Hlavní nádraží, Masarykovo nádraží, and the developing Prague-Bubny station in Prague 7. The SŽ plans to commence the reconstruction of three segments between Prague 7 and the airport starting from 2026.

Jiří Svoboda, the director of SŽ, emphasized the integral role of the new Prague Airport railway station within the broader scheme to upgrade the railway leading to Kladno, which encompasses roughly 10 new structures, some of which have been completed while others are still in progress.

In the preceding year, a tender was issued by the SŽ for the modernization of the rail line extending from Prague Airport to Kladno, between Prague-Ruzyně and Kladno. This upcoming station, named Dlouhá Míle, will feature a parking facility.

The recent years have seen substantial advancements in Prague’s railway infrastructure by the SŽ, notably the restoration of the Negrelli Viaduct in Karlín, spanning from 2017 to 2020, which crosses over Štvanice island. This viaduct is set to integrate with the Prague-Bubny station upon its completion. Additionally, there are plans to refurbish and update the Masarykovo nádraží.

Moreover, the rail line will facilitate a connection between Prague Airport and Nádraží Veleslavín in Prague 6; modifications to the metro station are intended to increase its capacity by adjusting the placement of the tracks and platform.

Svoboda highlighted that the introduction of this new station and line will enhance travel convenience and alleviate traffic congestion in the vicinity. The forthcoming rail link between Prague Airport and the city center is anticipated to reduce travel times to the capital’s core by an average of 25 minutes.

Tags: Jiří Svoboda, The Railway Administration (SŽ), Development, Infrastructure, modernization, Prague Václav Havel Airport, Railway, Transportation