The European Commission and the SESAR Deployment and Infrastructure Partnership (SDIP) signed a long-term Framework Partnership Agreement (2022-2027) on 31 May, marking the official start of the new SESAR Deployment Manager. SESAR is the technological pillar of the EU’s Single European Sky (SES) initiative, charged with harmonising and modernising Air Traffic Management (ATM) across Europe.
As of 1 June, the SDIP consortium takes over the challenging tasks of the Deployment Manager that were initiated by the SESAR Deployment Alliance AISBL (SDA) in 2014. A seamless transition between the two entities will see work to deploy essential SESAR ATM solutions continue. These solutions will improve air traffic management performance in terms of flight trajectories, cost-efficiency and safety.
European Commission Director-General for Transport, Henrik Hololei, said: "Modernising Europe’s air traffic management infrastructure is central to meeting our sustainability objectives, and ensuring long-term resilience within the aviation sector. The success of the SESAR project depends on strong partnerships, which, in these challenging times for aviation, have also helped to strengthen resilience. I would like to offer a warm welcome to the new SESAR Deployment Manager, the renewed and highly motivated partnership, working alongside the EUROCONTROL Network Manager and bringing together innovation and operational needs."
SDIP is a consortium comprising 20 major European airspace users, Air Navigation Service Providers and Airport operators, and EUROCONTROL, as Network Manager. SDIP has appointed Mariagrazia La Piscopia as its Executive Director. She has over 20 years of experience in the Aviation and ATM/ANS domains at technical, operational and strategic level, spanning from R&D to deployment.
Mariagrazia La Piscopia, Executive Director of SESAR Deployment Manager said: "I am very thankful that we received the trust of the European Commission today by signing this Framework Partnership Agreement. Together with the buy in of our stakeholders and the commitment of our members, I truly believe we have created the necessary framework to continue, strengthen and improve Air Traffic Management modernisation through SESAR deployment as one team."
By the end of 2027, the SESAR Deployment Manager aims to have completed implementation of the ‘Common Project 1’, which will advance the digitalisation and greening of ATM in Europe, delivering tangible benefits to the European passengers, citizens and the economy.
Tags: SESAR, European Commission