Hotel and vacation rental occupancy rates have fluctuated in the past two years, but the good news is Expedia Group’s latest first-party data and custom research suggest that travelers have adapted to the uncertainty and are booking more stays. As you’ll learn in our new Travel Recovery Trend Report:
Don’t miss out on more valuable insights to help your hotel and travel business meet increasing demand. Download the full report to learn about global and regional search volumes, booking lead times, and which destinations travelers are planning to visit. |
A trusted partner for two decades, Expedia Group Media Solutions is committed to sharing data and insights about evolving traveling behavior, empowering hotels and other travel brands to connect with hundreds of millions of travelers across the Expedia Group network. Our aim is to help lodging providers and travel partners stay agile in a competitive marketplace, so they can continue on the road to recovery. Tags: Hotel and vacation, Expedia Group |