Vistara inaugurated its non-stop flights between Delhi and Tokyo Haneda. The inaugural flight departed Delhi at 0300 hours (IST) and landed in Tokyo (Haneda) at 1450 hours. Under the air bubble agreement between India and Japan, Vistara will fly once a week between the two cities using its Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner.
Vistara’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Leslie Thng, said that they are delighted to take India’s finest airline to Japan and provide an unmatched flying experience to their customers that exemplifies modern Indian hospitality with the highest global standards in safety, hygiene and operations. They look forward to further strengthening their presence on this new route in the coming months.
Vistara accepts all eligible customers meeting visa/entry requirements in both countries, as specified by the respective government bodies. The airline strongly encourages its customers to fully understand the applicable guidelines before making their bookings.