Ει βούλει καλώς ακούειν, μάθε καλώς λέγειν, μαθών δε καλώς λέγειν, πειρώ καλώς πράττειν, και ούτω καρπώση το καλώς ακούειν. (Επίκτητος)

(Αν θέλεις να σε επαινούν, μάθε πρώτα να λες καλά λόγια, και αφού μάθεις να λες καλά λόγια, να κάνεις καλές πράξεις, και τότε θα ακούς καλά λόγια για εσένα).

Τρίτη 27 Ιουλίου 2021

Sex Travel Survey - 23% have had sex on at least one form of public transportation


The Vacationer survey was conducted to figure out how much sex Americans are having on vacation, if it is better than at home, standards, one-night stands, and how many are doing it on public transportation - planes, buses, trains, rideshare, etc.

The survey included 500 American adults over the age of 18 and was conducted online using SurveyMonkey's interface/audience between June 28 and June 29, 2021. Eric Jones, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Rowan College South Jersey, analyzed the survey.

Key Stats:

  • Nearly 23% (59 million Americans; we calculated using recent census data) stated they have had sex in a plane, bus, train, taxi (includes rideshare), or ferry. Some have done the deed in more than one of those forms of public transportation. Individually, 11.60% (30 million Americans) said they have had sex on a plane.
  • Nearly 29% (73 million Americans) have had a one-night stand on vacation, with 17.80% having done it more than once.
  • Nearly 28% of people admitted that their standards for sex are different when they are on vacation. 11.40% say their standards are higher and 16.20% say their standards are more relaxed.
  • 37% say sex is better on vacation than at home. 36.60% said it is the same, while 26.40% say it is better at home.

Here are the full results:

1. On which of these forms of public transportation have you had sex? (Check All that Apply Except If You Are Checking the Last Choice.)

  • Plane. - 11.60%
  • Bus. - 8.00%
  • Train or Subway. - 9.20%
  • Taxicab or Rideshare. - 5.60%
  • Ferry, Passenger Ship, or Water Taxi. (Not a Cruise Ship) - 6.20%
  • None of these. (If checking this choice, check nothing else.) - 77.20%

Key Takeaway: Nearly 23% of all American adults stated they have had sex in a plane, bus, train, taxi, or ferry - with some stating they have had sex on multiple forms of public transportation. This equates to almost 59 million people who have had sex on public transportation. Individually, about 30 million stated they had sex on a plane. Nearly 21 million American adults have done the deed on a bus. Nearly 24 million have had sex on a train or subway. Over 14 million have done it in a taxicab or rideshare. And, almost 16 million admitted to having sex on a ferry, passenger ship, or water taxi. The 77.20% of public transportation virgins represent nearly 199 million people.

Interesting Demographic Comparison: 27.69% of men said they have. However, only 18.22% of women said they have.

2. Have you ever had a one-night stand on vacation?

  • Yes, more than once. - 17.80%
  • Yes, but only once. - 10.80%
  • No. - 71.40%

Key Takeaway: More than one in four people admitted to having a one-night stand at least once on vacation. The 28.6% of people that said this includes the 10.80% that said they did it once and the 17.80% that have done it more than once. This figure represents over 73 million American adults age 18 or older. And, nearly 46 million of these people said they had a one-night stand on vacation more than once.

Interesting Demographic Comparison: 33.88% of men said they did at least once while only 23.65% of women said they did. When it comes to having a one-night stand on vacation more than once, the gap between women and men is even larger. 24.38% of men have had a one-night stand on vacation more than once. However, only 11.63% of women have.

3. Are your standards for who you have sex with different when you are on vacation?

  • Yes, my standards are higher. - 11.40%
  • Yes, my standards are more relaxed. - 16.20%
  • No. - 72.40%

Key Takeaway: Nearly 28% of people admitted that their standards for sex are different when they are on vacation. This includes the 11.40% that say their standards are higher and the 16.20% that say their standards are more relaxed. Over 29 million say their standards are higher. And, nearly 42 million people say their sex standards are more relaxed.

4. Do you think sex is better on vacation than at home?

  • Yes. - 37.00%
  • No. - 26.40%
  • About the Same. - 36.60%

Key Takeaway: More than one in three American adults believe that sex is better on vacation. Based on the latest census, 37% represents over 95 million people. It is also more people than the 36.60% that said sex on vacation is about the same as at home. And, it’s over 10% more than those that said sex is not better on vacation. In general, vacation is a relaxing time so it’s easy to see why many people may feel this way.

5. Do you have more sex on vacation than at home?

  • Yes. - 29.00%
  • No. - 36.20%
  • About the Same. - 34.80%

Key Takeaway:  Over 36% of American adults said they do not have more sex on vacation than at home. The 36% figure represents over 93 million people. Intuitively we might think people would have more sex on vacation. However, when we take into account singles and those traveling with kids, family and friends it makes sense. An interesting question for a follow-up survey would be to ask whether couples have more sex on vacation than at home.

Tags: The Vacationer