Developed by industry expert Alan Elliott Merschen, The Sigmund Project is an online platform created for like-minded individuals to connect and collaborate. Sigmund is open to anyone who has a great idea to advance the tourism industry; from small entrepreneurs to large multinational companies, from accommodation providers to the transportation sector, from universities to startups.
Announcing the launch, Merschen shared, “Like many others in the industry, I have always tried to connect individuals and companies with potential collaborators. Sigmund is bringing that concept to scale. Being a not-for-profit and fully funded by foundation grants, we are in the unique position to offer the platform free of charge. Our only currency is collaboration.”
Although Sigmund may lead to potential funding, it’s main purpose is to connect innovators with collaborators who can offer advice, tools, partnerships and paths ahead.
How Sigmund Works
- Present ideas and collaborate with others on The OPEN · SOURCE Platform
- Find inspiration and resources at The LOOKING FORWARD Journal
- Take ideas to the next level through SIGMUND’s INVESTMENT GRANTS Program
Nothing mentioned, nothing gained.
“After innovators submit an idea on OPEN · SOURCE, our team will reach out to schedule a 14-minute call to discuss their idea in more detail. Together, we’ll brainstorm ways to best attract future collaborators to help take the idea to the next level,” said Merschen.
Current user-submitted ideas include:
- A safety-oriented app for solo women travelers
- A dynamic pricing model for museums to encourage visitation during slow periods
- Using noise pollution data to create “quiet travel” tours for those suffering from PTSD
Industry experts share their experience on The LOOKING FORWARD Journal
The LOOKING FORWARD Journal is a source of inspiration and education for tourism entrepreneurs. The Journal features thoughts and ideas from Sigmund’s global board of advisors which includes some of the most successful and innovative entrepreneurs, CEOs, educators, and government officials from the tourism industry and beyond.
Investment Grant Opportunities
Sigmund is offering an Investment Grant Program for partnerships that have formed as a result of networking through the platform. Applications for the grant program will open in 2022. The Investment Grant comes with a carefully selected team of global advisors who will help guide the winning submissions.
“We are not micro-financing. We are not a VC incubator. We are looking for ideas that have a strong triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit. With all investment grants, The Sigmund Project will take an interest in the company. All proceeds will then be reinvested into more ideas. That’s how we stay sustainable, paying it forward for years to come,” Merschen concludes.
Tags: The Sigmund Project