Luxury hotels are making changes by choosing technology vendors that improve the guest experience.
Here's how Vaughn Davis, General Manager of Dream Hollywood, used Canary Technologies to improve guest satisfaction at his property.
Dream Hollywood was able to get set up in days, and guests have given the experience an average rating of 4.92 stars. The property also customized the Canary experience to offer upsells and amenities that guests could purchase during the check-in process, driving additional revenue.
Because of the ease of use, we highly recommend Canary Technologies as a Contactless Check-In partner for your hotel!
Canary Technologies is trusted by thousands of luxury properties worldwide, and are committed to delivering 5-star service with their seamless setup.
Curious what the check-in experience would look like at your property? Please schedule a time and they will create a check-in experience customized to your branding.
Tags: Canary Technologies, Luxury hotels