Ει βούλει καλώς ακούειν, μάθε καλώς λέγειν, μαθών δε καλώς λέγειν, πειρώ καλώς πράττειν, και ούτω καρπώση το καλώς ακούειν. (Επίκτητος)

(Αν θέλεις να σε επαινούν, μάθε πρώτα να λες καλά λόγια, και αφού μάθεις να λες καλά λόγια, να κάνεις καλές πράξεις, και τότε θα ακούς καλά λόγια για εσένα).

Παρασκευή 2 Απριλίου 2021

Egypt witnesses 5,00,000 tourists in the first three months of 2021

Egypt witnessed 5,00,000 tourists in the first three months of this year earning tourism revenue between $600 million and $800 million, said the deputy tourism minister of the country Ghada Shalabi.

Tourism revenue declined 70% in 2020 in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, with numbers of visitors dipping to 3.5 million from 13.1 million in 2019.

However, this year, Egypt is once again seeing an increase in tourism. In the first three months of 2021, Egypt has already welcomed 5,00,000 tourists, bagging tourism revenue somewhere between USD 600 million to USD 800 million.

Tags: Egypt