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Τρίτη 23 Ιουνίου 2020

Hamburg Convention Bureau; New search tool helps planners create safe and socially-distanced events

Hamburg's corona capacity calculation - CMW

Hamburg Convention Bureau, together with MICECLOUD Solutions, has launched a free tool that calculates the required room size in line with new Covid-19 regulations 

Event planners and service providers now have a simple and free tool at their fingertips to discover the most suitable venues in Hamburg to enable a safe and socially distanced event. 

Hamburg Convention Bureau’s has worked with MICECLOUD Solutions to add a new Coronavirus criteria to their venue search website, Micebooking.com. When searching for an event space, visitors to the site can click to apply the corona capacity calculation – this filters the venue options in line with current social distancing regulations, providing planners with a definitive list of spaces that will comfortably -and safely- host their chosen number of particpants. This new tool on Micebooking.com gives planners piece of mind that their chosen venue is the best fit -and safest option- for their meeting or event.

Kai Dieterich, interim head of the Hamburg Convention Bureau’s Conventions division, explains how the tool will provide important support for the events industry: "Conference rooms which previously hosted 1,000 people can now only hold a fraction of that amount due to current regulations. We introduced the corona capacity calculation to help planners make informed and safe choices for their event and also give location operators a valuable platform to showcase their venues. This is a tool which we’ll develop and update in line with guidelines - we can react quickly if distance regulations change, saving location operators and planners plenty of work". 

Stefanie Lemmermann from MICECLOUD Solutions GmbH, adds: "Together with the Hamburg Convention Bureau, we hope that the new service on our platform Micebooking.com will help make an important contribution to the city and its venues." 

In addition to this new search tool, the Hamburg Convention Bureau team is working intensively behind the scenes with key industry players to develop a business events re-launch timetable. The organisation is leading various working groups to deal with topics such as implementation recommendations for events, implementation of hygiene measures and hybrid event formats – all in order to prepare the city's conference industry for the new business reality.

Tags: Hamburg Convention Bureau, MICECLOUD Solutions