Ει βούλει καλώς ακούειν, μάθε καλώς λέγειν, μαθών δε καλώς λέγειν, πειρώ καλώς πράττειν, και ούτω καρπώση το καλώς ακούειν. (Επίκτητος)

(Αν θέλεις να σε επαινούν, μάθε πρώτα να λες καλά λόγια, και αφού μάθεις να λες καλά λόγια, να κάνεις καλές πράξεις, και τότε θα ακούς καλά λόγια για εσένα).

Τετάρτη 24 Ιουνίου 2020

England set to reopen pubs, hotels and restaurants next week

Coronavirus: When will pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants reopen ...

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has recently announced that England is set to reopen its pubs, hotels and restaurants starting July 4. In addition, hairdressers have also been given permission to resume activities from the same day. Authorities have also decided to ease social distancing rules but guests are expected to observe physical distancing and stay one metre apart at all times.

As U.K. battled against the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, majority of hospitality establishments remained closed across the country since March 20. According to recent reports, the number of active coronavirus cases has started showing a decreasing graph all over the country. Therefore Prime Minister Johnson has declared it a safe time for reopening of business.  Indoor service in pubs and restaurants has been allowed to have only a table service. Venues will also be asked to collect contact details of customers.

However, the Prime Minister has also warned that in case of any increase in new COVID-19 cases and unfortunate worsening of situation, all steps are subjected to be reversed. He has also mentioned that some leisure facilities and tourist attractions may also reopen with proper safety and security in order to restore the arts and cultural sector. This would include outdoor gyms and playgrounds, cinemas, museums, galleries, theme parks and arcades, as well as libraries, social clubs, places of worship and community centres. But despite the latest relaxation measures, places considered to be high-risk zones has been asked to remain shut.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson mentioned in his statement that it is important the risk of transmission is completely avoided in a time when the country has started reopen the economy. He shared that due to the existing risk close proximity venues such as nightclubs, soft-play areas, indoor gyms, swimming pools, water parks, bowling alleys and spas will remain closed as of now. He informed that the government is continuing to work with the sectors to establish taskforces in order to help them become ‘COVID Secure’ and reopen as soon as possible.

Joss Croft, Chief Executive, UKinbound added that the decision of reopening pubs, restaurants, hotels and attractions on July 4 will come as a huge relief to businesses across the tourism and hospitality industry, who have earned very little revenue since the beginning of March. He also mentioned that reducing social distancing from two metres to one will also ensure that many more businesses will be able to viably reopen at the start of next month.