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Τρίτη 23 Ιουνίου 2020

Aeroflot Group announces operating results for May 2020

Air101: Aeroflot Group Announces Operating Results for April 2020

MOSCOW - Aeroflot PJSC announces operating results for Aeroflot Group and Aeroflot - Russian Airlines for May and 5M 2020.

5M 2020 Operating Highlights
In 5M 2020, Aeroflot Group carried 11.7 million passengers, 47.8% down year-on-year. Aeroflot airline carried 7.3 million passengers, a year-on-year decrease of 49.7%.

Group and company RPKs decreased by 48.1% and 49.8% year-on-year, respectively. ASKs decrease by 40.9% year-on-year for the Group and by 40.7% year-on-year for the company.

The passenger load factor decreased by 9.4 p.p. year-on-year to 68.8% for Aeroflot Group and decreased by 11.8 p.p. to 64.6% for Aeroflot airline.

May 2020 Operating Highlights
In May 2020, Aeroflot Group carried 305.6 thousand passengers, a year-on-year decrease of 93.9%. Aeroflot airline carried 206.3 thousand passengers, a year-on-year decrease of 93.1%.

Group and company RPKs were down 94.2% and 93.8% year-on-year, respectively. ASKs decrease by 90.2% for Aeroflot Group and by 89.5% for Aeroflot airline.

Aeroflot Group’s passenger load factor was 45.4%, representing a 31.6 p.p. decrease versus the same period a year earlier. The passenger load factor at Aeroflot – Russian Airlines decreased by 30.1 p.p. year-on-year to 44.1%.

Impact of coronavirus pandemic
In 5M and May 2020, operating results were affected by the dynamics of demand and significant flight restrictions imposed amid the spread of the novel coronavirus infection. In addition to the suspension of scheduled international flights, quarantine restrictions in Russia and passengers’ propensity to travel amid pandemic affected the decline in domestic traffic indicators.

In June, Aeroflot Group began to gradually restore operating volumes due to the partial lifting of restrictions. The restoration of flights is accompanied by a progressive increase in the passenger load factor.

Fleet update
There were no changes in Aeroflot Group fleet in May 2020. As of 31 May 2020, Group and Company fleet had 360 and 246 aircraft, respectively.