Cameroon is among Africa countries that have established themselves as the best travel destinations in the continent. It is a central African country with an array of tourist destinations and sights to behold. The terrain and wildlife are among the most significant allures that bring people to this country. When planning a trip down to this state, you must . It is also crucial that you find out the exchange rates to estimate the value of the money you send to this locality.

Many factors ought to be considered when planning a trip to Cameroon. Some of those that you cannot overlook is;
• Dialect
The official languages spoken in this country are French and English. As you move away from the major cities, the indigenous jargons become apparent and overshadow the national ones. If you plan on going deep into the rural settlements of Cameroon, then you may need a guide or translator.
The official languages spoken in this country are French and English. As you move away from the major cities, the indigenous jargons become apparent and overshadow the national ones. If you plan on going deep into the rural settlements of Cameroon, then you may need a guide or translator.
• Cost
Travelling is not a cheap venture, and you must be sure of the amount that you are likely to spend before you set off. The modes of payment in the areas you wish to visit are also a vital aspect of research. Flight and accommodation rates of the airline ad hotels you choose ought to be within your budget range.
Travelling is not a cheap venture, and you must be sure of the amount that you are likely to spend before you set off. The modes of payment in the areas you wish to visit are also a vital aspect of research. Flight and accommodation rates of the airline ad hotels you choose ought to be within your budget range.
• Prevailing weather conditions
Cameroon has varied climatic patterns depending on the part of the country that you are visiting. The climate is tropical along the coast and gets hot and arid as you move towards the Northern side of the country. The coastal belt of this country is among the wettest in the world. Knowing the weather patterns is vital to guide you on the outfits that you should carry when visiting this region.
Cameroon has varied climatic patterns depending on the part of the country that you are visiting. The climate is tropical along the coast and gets hot and arid as you move towards the Northern side of the country. The coastal belt of this country is among the wettest in the world. Knowing the weather patterns is vital to guide you on the outfits that you should carry when visiting this region.
• Attractions and activities
Before you settle on Cameroon as a travel destination, you must be aware of the attractions that would interest you. Taking a tour through the whole country may not be possible, and you should, therefore, settle on a location that has the offerings you are after. The geological diversity in Cameroon is evident in the type of fascinations that it has. Mountains, beaches, deserts, savannas, and rainforests are among the attractions that you will find.
Before you settle on Cameroon as a travel destination, you must be aware of the attractions that would interest you. Taking a tour through the whole country may not be possible, and you should, therefore, settle on a location that has the offerings you are after. The geological diversity in Cameroon is evident in the type of fascinations that it has. Mountains, beaches, deserts, savannas, and rainforests are among the attractions that you will find.
Logistics, including the travel itinerary, must be handled way before the trip. If it is your first time visiting this region, then you should work with a reputable travel agency in making your plans.
Popular attractions in Cameroon
The list of places you can visit while in Cameroon is long. We picked five destinations that have the most to offer for this article. Read on, and you might find the perfect places to visit while in the country.

• Yaounde
This is the capital city of Cameroon and ranks highest among beautiful cities in Africa. Starting the excursions within the capital city is the best way to knowing your next destination. This city stretches over seven hills which means that sweeps of green and rising terrains separate the modern buildings. Other than the beautiful landscape, Yaounde has numerous other attractions to behold.
This is the capital city of Cameroon and ranks highest among beautiful cities in Africa. Starting the excursions within the capital city is the best way to knowing your next destination. This city stretches over seven hills which means that sweeps of green and rising terrains separate the modern buildings. Other than the beautiful landscape, Yaounde has numerous other attractions to behold.
The Notre Dome Des Victoires cathedral is within the city. This masterpiece is a 20th Century construction that has a conspicuous triangular roof that interests many visitors, both local and international. Within the vicinity are the Quarter Lake and the which is the home to an array of exhibits including masks and sculptures.
This museum is the former presidential palace, and it has a lot of history to relay to people coming in from other countries and districts. Mvog Besti, home to primates rescued from the bush meat trade, sits further west of this urbanite and you can add it to your list as well.
• Dja Faunal Reserve
If you are a flora and fauna enthusiast, then this rainforest may appeal to you. It was created in 1950, and it became a World Heritage Site in 1987. It is an intricate part of the thick rain forests that come together to form the Congo Basin. The assortment of primate species available in this reserve is the first pull that brings people to this location.
If you are a flora and fauna enthusiast, then this rainforest may appeal to you. It was created in 1950, and it became a World Heritage Site in 1987. It is an intricate part of the thick rain forests that come together to form the Congo Basin. The assortment of primate species available in this reserve is the first pull that brings people to this location.
Plant species that are known amount to 1500 while that of mammals is 107. There are over 320 bird species in this forest, among many other genera. Additionally, Baka pygmies live in this locality in their traditional manner, and there is a lot to be learned about them.
The adjoins other major protected areas. The Congolese reserve of the Odzala-Kokoua National Park and the Gabonese Minkébé National Park are the different areas that you can visit if you are done with this protected area on time. Ask about the restrictions before crossing over to the other reserves. It is also crucial to have a guide with you at all times.
• Kribi
Commonly referred to as paradise in Cameroon, this locality has the most to offer sea lovers as it is situated along the coast. The main attractions within this region are the white sandy beaches, crystal blue waters, and the fresh fish delicacies served in the many restaurants lining the seafront. Accommodation is readily available, and the prices are affordable. Eight kilometres south of this town is the Chutes de la Lobe waterfalls that spectacularly join the sea.
Commonly referred to as paradise in Cameroon, this locality has the most to offer sea lovers as it is situated along the coast. The main attractions within this region are the white sandy beaches, crystal blue waters, and the fresh fish delicacies served in the many restaurants lining the seafront. Accommodation is readily available, and the prices are affordable. Eight kilometres south of this town is the Chutes de la Lobe waterfalls that spectacularly join the sea.
The Kribi lighthouse found at the mouth of the Kineke River is a functional historic site that was built by the Germans back in 1906. It is still in use today and among things that draw people to visit this town.
Most of the towns which are far from the city may be difficult to access. Confirm that the locality you intend to visit has transport to and fro and at competitive rates. Safety is an issue that you ought to think about when visiting any of the areas outside the major city. Read reviews from the internet and learn about the communities living in the area you are interested in and the state of security as well.