Short-term rental marketplace misterb&b, dedicated to the Gay community that helps keep LGBTQ travelers stay safe - measured the volume of searches, views, and revenues for each city on its platform during Gay Pride season for both 2018 and 2019.
Homosexuality is illegal in a third of the world, and in 11 countries (formerly Brunei), it is punishable by death, making "traveling while gay" potentially life-threatening. This Gay Pride season, misterb&b wants to help LGBTQ folks stay safe as they travel to their Pride destinations.
Predicted Hottest Gay Pride Spots Worldwide 2019
Based on number of searches and views on the misterb&b website during the current Gay Pride season)
Based on number of searches and views on the misterb&b website during the current Gay Pride season)
- Toronto
- Mexico City
- New York City
- London
- Berlin
- Lisbon
- Seattle
- Spain
- Paris
- Chicago
- Miami
- Benidorm
- Maspalomas
- Los Angeles
- Puerto Vallarta
- Italy
- Athens
- Phoenix
- Frankfurt
- San Francisco
Highest Revenue-Generating Cities For misterb&b Home Booking Hosts During Gay Pride Week (2018)
Based on how much revenue each city created during Pride celebrations in 2018.)
Based on how much revenue each city created during Pride celebrations in 2018.)
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- New York
- Amsterdam
- Paris
- London
- Berlin
- Lisbon
- Los Angeles
- San Francisco
- Chicago
- Rome
- Miami