ALEXANDRIA, VA - On Monday, December 4, the U.S. Supreme Court indicated that the U.S. travel ban, in its current form, could move forward in its entirety while other legal challenges to the executive order proceed. Greeley Koch, executive director of ACTE Global (Association of Corporate Travel Executives) issued the following statement:
“ACTE Global’s core goal is to help business travellers travel with certainty and to get to their destinations safely. As governments worldwide seek to implement new border and immigration protections along with new security policies, they must keep in mind two key criteria: One, that the policies must be clear, understandable and easy to follow; and two, that these policies take into account the substantial economic benefits of business travel, both on a domestic and international level, and balance the need for safety with the need for cross-border commerce.
“ACTE will continue to monitor how this ban is implemented and gauge the impact to business travelers in an effort to better help all stakeholders - our membership and government leaders alike - understand how we can best protect national security interests without stifling business and economic growth.”