2017 Balkan Rowing Championships, organized in collaboration with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) and Turkish Rowing Federation (TRF), is being held between 8 and 10 September, 2017 at Istanbul's Golden Horn.
A total of 240 athletes from Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania will compete at the event.
The official opening of the regatta will take place on September 9 at 08:30 hours and the closing ceremony will take place on September 10 after the last race.

2017 BRA Annual Congress will take place on Saturday, September 10 at 14:00 in Istanbul.
Racing Timetable

For online results visit http://regattamasteronline.com/Pages/Regatta.aspx?regattaID=1282
Opening and closing ceremony will take place at Poet Nedim Park, Balat, Istanbul.