The system eliminates the need for hard copies when preparing an aircraft’s General Declaration. The General Declaration includes information about the aircraft, its supplies, passengers and goods, and is necessary for customs purposes and decision-making by customs officials.
Aeroflot, in partnership with the Russian Federal Customs Service (FCS), has become the first Russian airline to fully introduce an automatized information system to provide advance information about aircraft and goods transported on international flights.
Providing information in electronic form significantly reduces the paperwork time for the carrier and the total time needed for customs officials to carry out customs procedures. This optimizes cargo deliveries and expedites receipt of goods by the consignee. Customs control quality remains unchanged, as information processing begins prior to the arrival of aircraft and can be carried out either automatically or by an official in person.
Aeroflot had worked to introduce electronic declarations in collaboration with the FCS as part of implementation of a Eurasian Economic Commission resolution. In 2013, Aeroflot and the FCS began developing automatized information systems for electronic customs declarations for aircraft. Preliminary testing began in 2016, and the system was successfully implemented for commercial use in 2017.
Aeroflot continues cooperation with the FCS on transitioning to full electronic interaction in providing advance information prior to goods release