Over 12,000 South Korean tourists have called off their trips to the Philippines owing to the Marawi crisis and the subsequent announcement of martial law in the entire region of Mindanao according to a tourism official’s statement on Wednesday.
Ricky Alegre, the Tourism Undersecretary told the local news media that the trip cancellations were occurring ‘only in parts of Mindanao’.
He added that the effect of the Mindanao situation on visitor arrivals in Luzon and the Visayas was actually ‘minimal’.
Alegre mentioned that it was noted that the initial cancellations for the 3rd quarter from a few nations had occurred and also more bookings have been recorded from other nations. He further asserted that the initial 12,000 cancellations were reported from South Korea and fresh bookings to other travel destinations were also made.
The data indicates that more than 3,000 South Koreans arrive here daily.
He added that the PAL Incheon-Bohol direct flight also kick started on 22nd June. Wanda Teo, who is the Tourism Secretary mentioned in an interview with Margaux Uson, the Presidential Communications Assistant about the issue.
Alegre toed the statement of Teo stating that the tourists have booked for a later date.
He further said that a decline in tourist bookings is expected. He feels that the factors impacting the tourist arrivals include security and safety and air connections. Alegre told the local news media that the Department of Tourism feels that though certain provinces are impacted, destination Philippines is actually growing.