Cincinnati Airport has launched new therapy miniature horses with an aim to de-stress travellers who pass through its doors.
Twice every month, the check-in area gets a visit from a nice team of 34 therapy miniature horses that are provided by Ohio’s Seven Oaks Farm. Initially, the airport authorities were looking forward to implementing a dog therapy program. This is because several airports in the United States have been offering excellent therapy dogs ever since it was introduced by San Jose following the 9/11 attacks.
Currently, 30-odd American airports have dogs.
But then, San Francisco has always been famous for being unique since it had its unique therapy pig.
The miniature horses that have been brought to Northern Ohio Airport have already offered service as therapy animals in the homes of elderlies and also on university campuses during exam periods. In fact, they are so popular that some of the air passengers even prefer scheduling flights around their appearances.
Wendi Orlando who is an airport worker told the media that the process is definitely successful since it has been putting smiles on faces.
Passengers simply love noticing the horses passing by. These horses have gorgeous names like Teddy and Dakota. The owner Lisa Moad told the media that the response of the air travellers has been quite enthusiastic. Many of them have confessed that they calm down quite easily while interacting with the animals.