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Τετάρτη 4 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Gaming Istanbul to take place at Istanbul Congress Center

gaming istanbul2017
GL Events, a leading global events company, will organize the second edition of 'Gaming Istanbul'. Launched in 2016, as Turkey’s leading entertainment and gaming fair, will be held at the Istanbul Congress Center next month from February 2-5, 2017.
The show is expected to cater thousands of consumer and trade visitors with areas for exhibition, eSports, indie showcases, and multiple stages through the venue, hosting gaming and entertainment shows and music from international artists. The 10,000 m2 venue will also house conferences, careers and B2B zones to facilitate investment and partnership opportunities.
The Consumer exhibition space has been designed to cater to the latest games, offering an array of options for international publishers, and with the publishers already signed-up to the event, it promises to put Turkey on the map for international gaming events.
Trade visitors can look forward to VR specific content, a wide range of panels and presentations on art, design, concept and programming, all linked directly to one of Europe’s largest in-event careers zones, specifically designed to put talent in touch with job creators. Online matchmaking apps will make introductions easier than ever before.
Gaming Istanbul Brand and Marketing Manager Meriç Eryürek said: "Istanbul has been known as the gateway to Eurasia for centuries, and Gaming Istanbul was designed with this ethos in mind. In Turkey, an average game player spends around 39 minutes on one game session." There are more than 1.7 billion active game players and the sector grows 20 percent annually.
For more information and registration visit, http://www.gamingistanbul.com/en/