On December 2nd and 17th, thirteenth annual conference of the parties on Biological Diversity or COP 13 was organized in Cancun, Mexico. To discover new and better solutions in safeguarding the regional biodiversity and giving importance to its social and economic significance and also to identify sustainable forms of interaction between species and humans in an environment were the prime objectives of this convention in Mexico.
To quote the CEO of the Tourism Board, Lourdes Berho, “As global travel trends suggest, travelers are seeking destinations that are rich in biodiversity and sustainability. As the fourth most mega biodiverse country in the world, Mexico is the perfect place for those looking to immerse themselves in authentic cultural, culinary and nature-filled experiences. We believe that what travelers are looking for, lives in Mexico and this is the basis of our campaign”.
Ministers of Economy, international banks that support sustainable businesses, Chief Executive Officers of socially responsible multi-national companies in various public and private sectors and international financial institutions attended the conference. Participants were given the responsibility to identify long term solutions and proposals for businesses which support biodiversity.