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Τρίτη 21 Ιουνίου 2016

Revinate launches Google review publishing for Revinate surveys

Revinate, the software as a service (SaaS) company that helps hotels reinvent the guest experience, announces that Revinate Surveys now allows hotels to collect Google reviews as part of their post-stay email surveys. As an exhibitor at HITEC 2016 in New Orleans, Revinate will be offering booth visitors a chance to hear more about how this new feature can help drive incremental Google review volume, putting additional review content in front of prospective guests early in the travel research process.

Previously, Revinate Surveys customers could use post-stay surveys to collect TripAdvisor reviews, a feature which has shown an average 409% increase in review volume and a 15% improvement in TripAdvisor market index ranking. Now, Revinate Surveys customers have the option to collect reviews for either Google or TripAdvisor to drive review volume on one of the two travel search giants.

By prompting guests to write Google reviews, hotels can drive review volume on this channel, which is especially important in the early stages of travel research for prospective guests. A property’s Google review count and score are factored into Google’s local search ranking. More reviews and positive ratings could improve a business's local ranking, potentially driving bookings for hotels.

Hotels that are using Google review publishing for Revinate Surveys have already seen promising results. One hotel in California has driven more than 50 Google reviews within the first 3 weeks of using the feature, resulting in a 500% increase in volume of reviews from 2015.

“With this feature addition to Revinate Surveys, Revinate continues to innovate and create choices for our customers,” says Marc Heyneker, CEO of Revinate. “This incredibly simple solution creates flexibility, allowing hoteliers to adopt a holistic multi-channel review strategy and identify the best way to support their own marketing goals,” he says.

Tags: Revinate launches Google review publishing for Revinate surveys