Ει βούλει καλώς ακούειν, μάθε καλώς λέγειν, μαθών δε καλώς λέγειν, πειρώ καλώς πράττειν, και ούτω καρπώση το καλώς ακούειν. (Επίκτητος)

(Αν θέλεις να σε επαινούν, μάθε πρώτα να λες καλά λόγια, και αφού μάθεις να λες καλά λόγια, να κάνεις καλές πράξεις, και τότε θα ακούς καλά λόγια για εσένα).

Τετάρτη 6 Ιανουαρίου 2016

A new Cambria hotels & suites Property in Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area

cambria hotels suites

Choice Hotels has signed an agreement to develop the fourth Cambria hotel & suites at Arundel Mills in Hanover, MD. The 119-room property will be located at the SW corner of Milestone Parkway and Arundel Mills Blvd., and is expected to open in June 2017. Two Cambria hotels & suites are currently open in the area in downtown Washington, DC and in Rockville, MD. The addition of Cambria Arundel Mills and another Cambria property under development in College Park, MD brings the total number of Cambria hotels & suites in the region to four.
The Cambria Arundel Mills is part of the 1,100 acre Arundel Mills community with over 10 million square feet of mixed use development. The Cambria hotel & suites Arundel Mills will be in close proximity to other local attractions such as Fort Mead; the National Security Agency; BWI Airport, the largest airport in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area with over 22 million passengers per year; Maryland Live Casino, the largest casino in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area with over $600 million in annual gambling proceeds; and Arundel Mills Mall, the largest tourist attraction in Maryland with over 14 million visitors per year, and also the largest mall in Maryland with over 1.6 million square feet of leased space.
Designed as a business travel and leisure brand, all Cambria hotels & suites properties feature a larger lobby to give guests a more social atmosphere; oversized rooms with flexible spaces; and the latest technology that allows guests to stay connected while they travel.
Like all Cambria hotels & suites, the Arundel Mills property will feature other fine amenities such as a contemporary bistro, Social Circle™, serving a menu comprised of local specialties created by Chef Michael DeMaria; liquor, wine, beer and freshly prepared grab-and-go gourmet salads and sandwiches; and a barista bar. This property will also boast 2,000 square feet of meeting space and an indoor pool and fitness center