The Malta Tourism Authority announced an impressive increase of 12.2 % in tourist expenditure in November 2015 when compared with November 2014. Malta also achieved a double digit growth rate in the total inbound visitors in November 2015. The number of inbound visitors to Malta in November 2015 reached 115,105, recording a substantial increase of 11.3% over same month last year. Total inbound tourists (excluding cruise passengers spending overnights in Malta) amounted to 113,042, increasing by 9.8% or 10,102 more tourists.
The number of nights spent by tourists reached 838,984, representing an increase of 7.7%. The average length of stay declined marginally from 7.6 nights in November 2014 to 7.4 nights in November 2015. Tourist expenditure registered the highest growth rate of 12.2%. Tourists spent €90.1 million, €9.77 million more than the previous year.
Cumulative data for the period January to November 2015 show substantial growth rates in inbound tourism performance with the number of inbound tourists increasing by 5.9% over the same period last year. The number of inbound tourists exceeded the 1.7 million mark during the period January to November 2015. The number of nights stayed by tourists reached 13.6 million, recording an increase of 5.2%. The registered growth rate of tourists staying in private accommodation (+18.2%) is considerably higher than those staying in collective accommodation (+1.7%). The tourist expenditure figure features the highest increase of 7.7%, reaching €1.59 billion, 113.1 million more over same period last year. Per capita expenditure increased from €910 in January to November 2014 to €925 in January to November 2015.
The above mentioned growth included the two international events held in Malta during the month of November. These results still reflect the constant positive growth experienced throughout the year which is expected to continue even during December.
The majority of source markets with the exception of Libya and Russia recorded increases. The United Kingdom registered the largest absolute increase of 36,595 more tourists compared to same period last year, followed by Italy with 25,738 more tourists. Furthermore double-digit growth rates in inbound tourists were recorded from USA, Belgium, Ireland and Austria.
MTA CEO Mr Paul Bugeja stated that “We are extremely pleased with the double-digit growth rates achieved in inbound tourism performance during November 2015, in particular with the sustained increases in the tourist expenditure figure which is ultimately one of the most important indicators of tourism performance.”
Mr Bugeja added that “The new record figures achieved throughout this year are the result of the hard work put in by all our stakeholders within the industry. These efforts amongst others included several marketing initiatives, better exposure in International travel fairs and increased connectivity to our Islands”