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(Αν θέλεις να σε επαινούν, μάθε πρώτα να λες καλά λόγια, και αφού μάθεις να λες καλά λόγια, να κάνεις καλές πράξεις, και τότε θα ακούς καλά λόγια για εσένα).

Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015

TripFlock announces launch of personalized planning space for smart travelers

WEST PAlM BEACH. FLORIDA - For people who frequently plan trips or local activities, having quick access to all of their favorite apps, deals, research, companies and people in one place can be invaluable. Unfortunately, until now, no such solution existed. This is exactly what's offered by the innovative new platform called TripFlock, four years in the making, which offers a personalized planning space to travelers. Thousands of users have already begun reducing their reliance on browser bookmarks, search engines and scanning through countless emails and documents while planning trips.

Traveling can certainly be one of life's greatest pleasures. It can also be extremely complicated, time consuming and confusing without access to the right information, experience and tools to help along the way. With literally millions of companies, web sites, apps and other resources being sold heavily to travelers it can be very difficult to make sense of it all. Fortunately, an alternative to this chaos has recently presented itself, TripFlock; the platform that promises to make planning trips and local activities more organized and efficient. 

TripFlock provides a beautiful and user-friendly platform for planning local activities, weekend jaunts, business trips or faraway vacations. Travelers can quickly personalize a free online planning space with their favorite travel and hospitality companies, tools, apps and sources of information. The ability to forward emails and save web pages to individual planning journals makes research and tracking information a snap.  

Additionally, TripFlock has a powerful messaging capability at its core. Travelers can invite their friends to setup their own planning spaces and then collaborate together on trip and activity plans. An integrated message center allows travelers to seamlessly communicate with their friends, a travel agent, favorite restaurant manager, hotel concierge, personal tour guide and everyone in-between.

"The hard truth is with the explosion of the internet age, many years ago, there was this idea that booking trips would be simple online and travel agents would become a thing of the past," commented a spokesperson from TripFlock. What actually happened was the exact opposite.  People have been drowning in too much information and looking for someone or some solution to help them. Seemingly every day there's a launch of a new travel site or app that claims to be the Holy Grail for the travel industry. Every day these same companies, unbeknownst to them, simply compound the very problem that they set out to solve. "Our team saw the opportunity to try to clean this mess up and bring it under control with TripFlock. We knew we needed to get this right, which explains the four years of hard work that went into the platform development. It's a better way to plan trips and activities that takes into account the reality of what is happening in the marketplace".

According to the company, research has revealed an average person planning a trip ends up searching, on average 20 different websites and apps, before they make a purchase. This does not take into account reading dozens of emails, scanning reviews, jotting down notes and other headache-inducing tasks.  Clearly, most would agree, the sheer mass of information available on the internet has made planning a trip or activity harder - not easier. 

President and CEO Bill Almonte; a 25-year travel and hospitality industry veteran, remarked, "We intend to change the game and provide travelers with a trip and activity planning solution that they can finally call their own; A marketplace that they fully control and can personalize to match their specific needs and interests. You can't do that with any of the major travel sites available today. You are basically forced to utilize their rigid set of tools and work with their preferred suppliers. There is a whole world out there! TripFlock is rapidly becoming the initial gateway that people launch to facilitate collaboration with their favorite companies and the friends with whom they are planning trips or activities. It's the glue that ties everything together and puts everyone on a common platform."

TripFlock also delivers incredible value to businesses looking to streamline their operations and connect with travelers and locals in their area. The platform provides a powerful suite of business management tools for any type of travel or hospitality company. Highlights of the platform include a social CRM, integrated messaging, publishing tools, multichannel customer support, analytics, social connections and marketing all packed into one powerful and affordable solution.

"Many travel and hospitality businesses around the world are looking for more cost-effective ways to distribute their advertisements, content, deals and apps. TripFlock provides this and much, much more" pointed out Almonte.

TripFlock is delivering a one-of-a-kind marketplace that brings true value to both travelers and companies in the travel and hospitality industry. With even more capabilities on the horizon, to say its future looks bright in the travel industry is quite an understatement.