"Visa requirements
for travel to Canada have a
major impact on air travel - a visa requirement typically dampens travel demand
to Canada
by 30 per cent or more," said Vijay Gil, Director, Policy Research at the
Conference Board and co-author of the report. "While they play an
important security role, visa requirements are also a major impediment to air
travel because of the direct cost, time required, and general inconvenience
involved," he said.
The air transportation
industry in this country generates about $35 billion annually and supports more
than 400,000 jobs, but the full potential of the industry is not being
realized. The last major changes in air transportation policy took place more
than 20 years ago. A new National Air Transportation Policy could both boost
the sector's economic impact and help the industry become more efficient.
The air transportation
industry directly employs 141,000 workers and supports almost 405,000 jobs
across the economy.
Visa requirements
typically dampen travel demand to Canada by 30 per cent or more.
The growth of emerging
markets in Latin America and Asia offers new opportunities to connect the world
through Canada , as well as
to attract more travellers to Canada .
Canadian airports are well positioned to be connecting points for traffic
between Asia and Latin America .
The economic
"footprint" of the industry is based on the Conference Board's
analysis of direct, indirect and induced effects. The air transportation
industry directly employs 141,000 workers and supports almost 405,000 jobs
across the economy. Along with generating almost $35 billion in gross domestic
product, the industry contributes over $12 billion to federal and provincial
treasuries, including over $7 billion in taxes.
"Aviation fuels Canada 's
economy in ways not everybody realizes right away," said Daniel-Robert
Gooch, President of the Canadian Airports Council. "This report outlines
ways to help us maintain strong and vibrant air carriers and airports which are
important not only for the industry, but also for the Canadian economy and job
growth," he said.
"Canada 's aviation sector creates jobs and
economic activity across a wide spectrum of industries, links communities
across Canada
and expands markets for international investments. While these benefits are
significant, the aviation sector could be contributing even more given its
integral role in driving our economy, trade and tourism," said Marc-Andre
O'Rourke, Director of the National Airlines Council of Canada.
Canadians still fly less
than might be expected, especially considering Canada 's vast geography. U.S. airports
handle approximately 2.3 enplaned passengers per capita per year; the equivalent
figure for Canadian airports is 1.6.
Over the last 10 years,
tourism in Canada
(involving both residents and visitors) has declined significantly, falling
from 8th place to 18th place in global rankings. Perceived expensive air travel
and unfriendly visa processes are two of the reasons for that decline. Canada also has a significant international
travel deficit ($16 billion), suggesting that while Canadians are travelling
abroad, Canada
is failing to attract a proportionate share of international visitors.
The Conference Board
report outlines elements of a new National Air Transportation Policy based on
three broad areas: providing economic and social benefit to Canadians, border
and security facilitation, and enhancing the industry's competitiveness.
In addition to
streamlining visa requirements, some of the other recommendations and policy
considerations include:
Enhancing transit without
visa programs, allowing Canadian airlines and airports to better compete for
connecting international travellers;
Considering reforms that
would help airports increase their commercial revenues, such as Arrivals Duty
Examining the full
liberalization of international air cargo markets;
Making the current federal
infrastructure program for small and medium airports more inclusive and
appropriately funded;
Defining clearly the role
and performance of the Canadian Air Transport Security Agency and tying its
funding more formally to Air Transport Security Charge revenues;
Encouraging all provinces
to exempt transborder and international flights from aviation fuel taxes; and
Funding some security
costs from non-user sources.
The report was jointly
written by The Conference Board of Canada and SLI Airports
and Aviation Group. Financial support was provided by the Canadian Airports
Council and the National Airlines Council of Canada.