European destinations are
seeing solid year-over-year growth for the summer holidays. Travellers are
heading to the sunshine spots this August with cities such as Paris ,
Venice and Barcelona
attracting increased hotel occupancy across the summer month, compared with
Forward-looking data from
TravelClick, the leading hotel market intelligence provider, shows, at this
point in the booking window, Parisian hoteliers are seeing visitor growth of
almost a third (29.6 per cent) on average across August. Venice ’s
canals will see an increase in visitors with an 8.0 per cent rise in hotel
occupancy on the same month in 2012 and Barcelona
is showing strong weekend break demand, which will deliver an overall occupancy
increase of 6.7 per cent for the month of August.
As would be expected,
following London ’s summer with the Olympics and
Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, London
hotels are showing a slight dip in bookings for August (down 15.8 per cent).
There is still strong weekend tourism to the capital with Friday 16 and Saturday
17 August showing an occupancy increase of 62 per cent and 57.3 per cent
respectively. The bank holiday weekend and weekend of the Notting Hill Carnival
is also showing strong demand with bookings up 30.4 per cent and 21.4 per cent
on the Friday and Saturday (23 and 24 August).
Info is based on data
pulled on 6 June 2013, from 16 Paris hotels with
a combined capacity of 5,189; 15 Barcelona
hotels with a combined capacity of 3,187; 8 Venice
hotels with a combined capacity of 1,393; 88 London hotels with a combined capacity of