Ει βούλει καλώς ακούειν, μάθε καλώς λέγειν, μαθών δε καλώς λέγειν, πειρώ καλώς πράττειν, και ούτω καρπώση το καλώς ακούειν. (Επίκτητος)

(Αν θέλεις να σε επαινούν, μάθε πρώτα να λες καλά λόγια, και αφού μάθεις να λες καλά λόγια, να κάνεις καλές πράξεις, και τότε θα ακούς καλά λόγια για εσένα).

Τετάρτη 10 Απριλίου 2013

Halal food and services attract moneyed Muslim tourists to Malaysia

Malaysia is urging its neighbors, including the Philippines, to develop a Halal-oriented industry that is tied to the $100-billion Islamic tourism industry.
The world’s 1.8 billion Islamic people are a captive market for Halal certified products and services that Southeast Asian countries must explore, said Dato Seri Jamil Bidin, chief executive officer of Malaysia’s Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC).
Even the Philippines can tap the Islamic tourism industry by offering Halal certified products and services, he said. “If you want to encourage Muslim tourists to come to your country, Halal certified products and services are required,” said Dato Jamil in an interview with reporters at the sidelines of the World Halal Week being held here from April 3-6.
Halal is the lawful and acceptable way preparing food for Muslims. In the case of Malaysia, it has become a destination for huge numbers of big spending Islamic tourists from the Middle East, said Dato Jamil, noting that the Halal industry is not exclusive to Muslim consumers but is “a seal of guarantee for consumers” that the products are hygienic, clean, safe and free of dangerous chemicals. 
Source: GMA News