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Πέμπτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Holocaust Museum on track for construction tender in Greek city of Thessaloniki


After the appropriate urban planning was modified a few days ago, eliminating the problems that had arisen, it is anticipated that the building of the Thessaloniki Holocaust Museum, encompassing a total area of 1.58 hectares, will be put out to bid in 2023, greekcitytimes.com reports.

The Holocaust Memorial Museum & Educational Center of Greece on Human Rights, as the museum is formally known, will highlight a significant period in the city's history and the 50,000 Sephardic Jews who perished in Nazi death camps during World War II.

Until a decade ago, when the city decided to build the museum close to Thessaloniki's former railway station, the subsequent erasure of all traces of the Jewish population was kept a "guilty secret" by the city.

Tags: Holocaust MuseumThessaloniki