The study focused on the visitor activity for 2016 and compared it with the trends to 2014 when the study was last conducted.
There was a record visitor volume and spending levels that showed a string tourism growth in Beverly Hills.
In 2016 more than 7.4 million visitors ventured to Beverly Hills as compared to the six million visitors in 2014 reflecting an increase of around 23 per cent.
The shopping behavior in Los Angeles County residents was also reported with the sole purpose of assessing the economic contribution to the travel market.
$2.8 billion was generated in direct and indirect revenue from visitors in 2016. There was $56.6 million, a 26 per cent of the city’s general fund revenue that was generated in associated lodging and sales tax.
13,000 Beverly Hills jobs was supported by visitor traffic that saved each resident household with more than $3,100 in equivalent city services.
Julie Wagner, chief executive, CDME, at Beverly Hills Conference & Visitors Bureau said that tourism was a key factor in the city’s economic vitality and it was important to provide a warm and welcoming reception.