By 2030, there could be 1.8 billion tourists – which are just over one in five persons in the world – travelling around the globe, according to the UNWTO.
Taleb Rifai, the Secretary-General of the UNWTO, highlighted the role of travel and tourism in affecting global developments and making the world a better place.
“It is bringing the world together in an incredibly impressive way: it is making the world smaller, more connected, more informed, and therefore… a more caring world,” Dr. Rifai said.
There have been a lot of serious challenges till date including pollution, waste, labour exploitation, prostitution and abuse of children, and looting of natural resources.
Dr. Rifai said that since all human activity has both advantages and disadvantages, it is the people’s duty to ensure that the impacts from tourism are positive and contribute to sustainable development.
2017 has been proclaimed as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.