To cap the drunken tourism and “uncivic behaviour”, San Antonio, which is famous for its bars and nightclubs is facing a clamp down.
According to the council leaders, the local residents are finding it “unacceptable”. Almost every night the continuous noise reaches about 85.9 decibels which is about 20 decibels higher than the permitted norm.
Environmental officers have promised a continuous onslaught against businesses until the levels are brought down to 65 decibels per day and 55 per night. According to the noise experts 60 decibels is equal to conversation in a restaurant, office or background music or an air conditioning unit at 100ft. 55 decibels at night time is like a quiet suburb or conversation at home.
The restaurants and bars have been warned that on failing to abide by these new regulations will be closed down.
The tough clampdown will centre on West End where scores of bars and clubs line four or five of the main streets and is widely known as the place to party. According to San Antonio council, presently, the noise level is “unbearable” and action has to be taken.
A Special Zone of Acoustic Protection will be formed after the first series of checks and reading. San Antonio’s councillor for the environment, Pablo Valdés said there was “no alternative” because of the excessive noise levels being reached. The other measures include pedestrianisation of the zone to reduce traffic noise and stepped-up police controls.
The local authority has accepted the fact that the noise level is much above the permitted level. The new regulations are expected to come into force in time for the start of the summer 2018 season with a number of council officials already working full-time on the problem.