CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - Hotel Internet Services (HIS), a full-service provider of Internet services and solutions for the hotel industry, has announced the launch of its newly developed HIS Property Dashboard, a proprietary portal that provides clients with the unmatched ability to maintain direct control over every aspect of Internet performance at all times. With the HIS Property Dashboard, hoteliers can effortlessly view and analyze vital data, such as the number of users online, support tickets, revenue generated through Wi-Fi purchases, the amount of broadband being utilized or the operational status of each segment of a property's network; thus maximizing the potential to consistently deliver the highest quality in guest Internet service and maintain complete satisfaction.
Central to the HIS Property Dashboard's functionality is its ability to free hoteliers from having to keep track of long lists of URLs and passwords, by serving as a platform that centralizes all tools necessary to manage and analyze each guest's HSIA experience. With the dashboard, hospitality professionals are provided with a virtual map of how their property's network is connected, in addition to a real time overview of its health and capabilities. In addition to providing a quick reference of how many network hosts are running verses how many are down, or how many users are currently logged into a network, the HIS Property Dashboard also offers staff a detailed view of which specific areas of a hotel's network are functioning adequately, and which areas have ceased to operate and require immediate attention. By representing each network in tree graph form, employees can specifically see whether a troubleshooting issue originates at a particular floor switch or whether a malfunctioning guestroom access point is the cause, and dispatch maintenance accordingly; promptly resolving any problem before guest satisfaction is significantly impacted. Whether managing a single hotel or an array of properties across a portfolio of multiple brands, the HIS Property Dashboard also allows hoteliers to effortlessly switch between locations, in order to view the status of each network with a simple click of a mouse. For more information on solving the specific challenges of managing multi-property networks, please download the recently released HIS Management Company White Paper here.
"Providing users with a springboard to overcome complexities typically associated with hotel Internet management, the HIS Property Dashboard serves as a fully integrated portal that maximizes the ability to preserve network health and ensure all tools and relevant statistics are readily available," said Gary Patrick, CEO for Hotel Internet Services. "In creating the HIS Property Dashboard, we endeavored to include vital functions, such as the ability to receive customized performance reports, track the status of submitted tickets to HIS customer service or view guest feedback surveys, among other convenient features."
With the ability to create tailored reports, the HIS Property Dashboard can provide instant insight into vital data, including revenue summaries from guests purchasing a hotel's Internet service, or the amount of customer service tickets opened versus the number of unique users using the network at a given time. Such reports can be scheduled and automatically sent to selected email addresses on a routine basis. Able to also receive details on the average number of online users and bandwidth used, hoteliers are additionally in a better position to determine adequate service license coverage, ensuring ongoing cost effectiveness.
With streamlined access to viewing a property's list of submitted customer service tickets, hoteliers using the HIS Property Dashboard can also leverage the ability to track the status of any issue requiring HIS assistance, which specialist it has been assigned to, and its priority rating, as well as projected date or time of resolution. Further enhancing convenience and the ability to quickly correct any obstacle to a first rate Internet experience