A ship was impounded by Indonesian customs in Bali on Thursday with the crew detained after it was found carrying 30 tonnes of ammonium nitrate. The chemical, widely used for fertilisers, is highly prized by terrorists who use it to make a very powerful explosive.
Ammonium nitrate can be very dangerous. It only needs about 5 per cent of oil – or carbon source – and it forms a very powerful explosive. The boat left Malaysia on September 12, stopping at Batam and Sumenep, before being intercepted in waters north of Bali.
Police, who raided the boat after a tip-off, are investigating whether the cargo has any possible links to terrorism.
The captain and his crew claim the chemical was to be used for blast fishing. For ammonium nitrate, you need clearance from the government. It can’t be imported without the proper procedures.
Indonesia police claim they’ve seized almost 200 tonnes of ammonium nitrate in the past six months.
According to a travel website, a high degree of caution should be used by travellers to Indonesia.